Thursday, January 13, 2011

Awesome Musician

Deacon earlier asked us all to try and think of a muscial artist that we would like to hang out with. He seemed skeptical that there were any. And while it is true that most of the people I love to listen to would probably not be great to hang out with, there is one glaring exception and his name is Alan Jackson. I know this choice will immediatly bring out all of you closed minded country haters, but hear me out. Country music is essentially just guys playing a catchy tune while someone sings about life. Its awesome, if your feeling sad and you listen to country you feel better. And if you want to party, there's no type of music that talks about frattier ways of partying than country. Watch this video and try to tell me you wouldn't spend all day with Alan Jackson.


  1. I don't know how to post videos, usually Deacon does it for me

  2. I've got it covered buddy.
    And thanks for keeping the content a day record alive and well

  3. who wouldn't want to hang out with Ray Charles. Hookers and Meth all day baby
