Monday, January 10, 2011

The Best of the Worst

As seen on our poll, I come to you as an advocate of Beer 30. Prior to this past week, I had forgotten how relatively unknown this alcoholic delight was. No one I talked to even knew what it was. Somehow it has gotten votes on its description alone which is pretty impressive.

Beer 30 is a very cheap beer that comes in a purple box. The purple box has come to be widely appreciated and the common misconception that the beer is actually grape flavored can be attributed to this. I don’t know how people still fall for that dumb joke. Unlike the more lucky parts of the country, Nashville does not usually stock its liquor stores with thirties. Instead, we have to settle for 24’s which is both frustrating and truly disappointing. Those last 6 beers are of course very important. And worst of all, you basically pay the same price for 24 as you do for 30. Because of these ungodly restrictions, we, the thirsty consumer, are forced to buy Beer 30.

As you can see, it does look a lot like a cheap grape soda. And when you taste it, you’ll wish it was. But that’s beside the point. What it really comes down to is the simple fact that Beer 30 has a hilarious can. The 0 is a clock with no numbers and rather just has the Beer 30 symbol. With Beer 30, it’s always Beer 30 time. So that begs the question, what time is it anyways? Vote Beer 30.


  1. I guess the alcohall is trying to be sponsored by beer 30

  2. this is a trash article, fratty lite is obviously the winner

  3. Fratter Dame is a hero
