Friday, January 7, 2011

TV Shows that Shouldn't have been Cancelled

As the beginning of this new segment, what better show is there to spotlight than Stella? Nope, I didn't pick the obvious choice of Arrested Development. That would be too easy. By now, everyone and their brother knows how good that show is. Instead, I picked the lesser known and lesser appreciated choice.

Stella did not last very long. It aired from June to August 2005 on Comedy Central. The show features the Stella comedy troupe: David Wain, Michael Showalter, and Michael Ian Black. Together, they make for brilliant television. You'd be hard pressed to find dumber comedy than found on this show. That may sound like a bad thing to some, but to those who know better and appreciate the stylings of Billy Madison, you know that "dumb" isn't necessarily something to be frowned upon. Everything has its time and place and Stella is has a well deserved spot on the list as a great way to fill an afternoon or an awkward 22 minutes before doing something more exciting. The show is simply funny as shit. It's as quotable as many other comedy favorites and is luckily on Netflix's instant watch list. Clutch.

You've probably never heard of anyone involved in Stella but maybe you should do some more research. Michael and Michael themselves are pretty useless, albeit hilarious, but David Wain went on direct several genius films including The Ten and Role Models. (As a side note, go out and watch The Ten - this is not a goof) If you don't believe me yet, watch the following video. And if you don't find it funny, then there's simply something wrong with you. I'd hate to end a post with a depressing fact, but Mind of Mencia effectively replaced Stella on Comedy Central and that's just wrong. Carlos Mencia is the worst.

1 comment:

  1. Stella is a great show. Hilarious clip too. But you bring up another point that needs to be expanded on: Carlos Mencia. You are too kind to him by simply calling him the worst. He's a plague on comedy. He's like Lopez Tonight times 1.2 million. And we all know just how unwatchable Lopez Tonight is. I vow that if I ever see Carlos Mencia on the streets of LA, I will murder him. If I get sentenced to death for it, it's quite possible I will be revered as a Christ figure for dying for the world's sins again, which for this century have been conveniently put into human form in Carlos Mencia. It's such a shame that his show went on far longer than Stella.
