Unknown Fratstars: Part III
In this week’s edition of Unknown Fratstars, I’d like to profile an unlikely candidate, and for the first time a real person. Jesse Palmer, former NFL quarterback, bachelor contestant, and current ESPN commentator is definitely an unlikely fratstar. Sure, he wasn’t that good as a player, and was never a starter, but he still played in the NFL and was on a winning team in the SEC, which is very fratty. He also completely got the job at ESPN based solely on good looks. That is just an awesome thing to do, he wasn’t good at football and probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but the ladies love him, and that’s what matters. Also he was on the Bachelor, where he clearly banged all the contestants, and then dumped that bitch he ended up choosing cause she probably wasn’t hot enough for him. The bachelor wasn’t his only tv appearance either, he guest starred on Law and Order: SVU which everyone knows is the best fucking law and order, yea fuck you criminal intent . The only thing that Palmer lacks is that he is Canadian, but he did go to school at Florida and now probably lives in a pent house apartment in New York City that he was only able to achieve through good looks and charm. Yes that is fratty, and plus being a backup quarterback is the fucking best, we’ve all seen how cool James Van Der Beek is in Varsity Blues.
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