Monday, January 10, 2011

The Springsteen Paradox

                Bruce Springsteen is my favorite musical artist and quite possibly the second greatest singer-song writer in American history. Strangely, if I was given the opportunity to hang-out and talk with the Boss, I think I would have to politely decline. Why? Why would a big fan such as myself snub an American icon? The answer is actually very simple: Bruce sucks as a person. Springsteen is a notorious Obama-supporter and even performed at his inauguration. His liberal stance and the consistency in which he discusses his politics, politics which I strongly disagree with, are what alienate the person of Bruce Springsteen away from myself. To add to qualities which make me dislike Bruce are his marriage to Patty Scailfa, who is an ugly, untalented red head (Bruce was not able to share the successes of Unknown Fratstar, Johnny Rico), as well as his sporting of a hideous soul patch, who does he think he is , Olympic Superstar, Apollo Ohno? Springsteen’s lyrically gifted songs about everyday life in America is what draw many, including myself, towards him, but his political commentary is what make him this paradox. I admire him as an artist and love his music but despise him as a person. This leads to further questioning, is there a red-blooded American musician who you would hang out with and are there any artists that are truly fratty?
These topics will be expanded upon in the future, and feel free to comment
atleast he doesn't wear gay glasses though:

Video that epitomizes the Paradox, notice how he talks about reforming health care and performs with a member of Rage against the Machine, but also notice that this is an unreal, must-watch performance


  1. I would go as far as to say there are no current musicians that are truly fratty. But there are some I would choose to hang out with

  2. saying you dislike bruce springsteen for his political affiliation is one thing, but calling THE BOSS a bad person for that affiliation is a whole nother can of corn... if you were a true fan of his music you'd know that his lyrical themes are not something you'd associate with a pro-republican stance and its plain stupid for you to think that. Secondly the ONLY reason to hate Bruce is because of the god forsaken state he comes from- DURTY JERZEY, i'm calling bullshit on this post becuase its plain bad and poorly thought out and clearly misses its only logical comedic point and is retarted for calling a musician who actually has a stance and donates time and money to something other than having his pubic hair permanently removed with a laser. You should probably go hang out with musicians you actually listen to and admire like Lady GAGA or KESHA...

  3. I think anonymous is lame because they don't have a name to post under, I also think that the Boss writes great music, but would write terrible legislation, and would be a terrible president which is what allows Deacon to say that Bruce sucks. To add to his paradox im listening to 4th of July, Asbury Park while writing this
