Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dazed and Confused

Bros before hos- the age old phrase. So what to do choose? It all comes down to simple economics. You have to weigh the costs and benefits of either direction. Your real bros will understand if you have to choose against them. But that choice is contingent upon one fact – a worthwhile girl. And it doesn’t help if there’s some guarantee that such a decision will pay off. You can’t just dismiss your friends to hang out with a random girl or else you could be left with some girl who doesn’t get any of your references and a bunch of friends who are mad at you. When you must make the opposite choice and choose your bro’s, it’s never a bad decision. A girl should understand that. Sometimes you just have to shoot the shit.

It's clearly a difficult balance to keep. When in doubt, pick your bros. Take a look at history- how many great accomplishments were made by a guy and girl together rather than a bunch of guys? They are called Founding Fathers for a reason. It must be said that Paul Rudd in I Love You Man picks hos his whole life and winds up Rashida Jones. When he finally sets out to make a friend, he ends up with Jason Segel. Not bad, Paul, not bad. However, this extraordinary movie must be set aside as an exception.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part of the bros versus hos debate is when your friend decides to hang out with a girl over you and your bros, you all call him gay. Very ironic ,yet strangely fitting
