Monday, April 4, 2011

Golf Pros and Tigers Hoes

To start off our new poll, I'd like to do a profile on this theme party idea. Now this isn't what it seems as guys dress and golf pros and girls dress slutty, even though this is encouraged. What this consists of is making a 9 or 18 hole course at your party and matching up with a foursome to complete the course. Everyone hole will be a different drinking challenge and the lower your score the better. So lets say the first hole is an America themed room, if you take two shots of whiskey, you get a birdie, one shot a par, and chugging a pbr gets you a bogie, or something along these lines. Or an easier one would be a game of ruit, winners get par, losers get bogies. Scorecards stolen prom golf courses are necessary, and please get creative with your room themes.

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