Thursday, February 17, 2011

Suprising Geeds II

                In this edition of Suprising  Geeds, I’d like to talk about maybe the best white basketball player currently playing, Steve Nash. Now some of you might say, Deacon I thought you loved white athletes beating the odds and succeeding against adversity? And yes in “Great White Hope” I firmly believed that. But Steve Nash is different, and do you know why? He is fucking Canadian, but that’s not the worst part about him. Steve Nash hates America. He protested the Arizona immigration laws, which I believe were mostly justified, and he praises Obama. Nothing is more geed than Barack Obama. Who the fuck does Steve Nash think he is? I don’t go to Canada and talk shit about their gay health care system, and their lack of anything good that’s not syrup or skiing. Plus Steve Nash is just an ugly, greasy man, he has long hair and acne scars all over his face. He is a disgrace to the Sun’s uniform that Charles Barkley made sacred. So Steve Nash, I fucking hate you, and if you don’t love it, then leave it. That should be the official slogan of the Alcohall.
Fucking Hoser
The best Sun ever

1 comment:

  1. Listen Brian, Charles Barkley would totally dunk on Steve Nash. Even if everybody gets dunked on, it would be especially embarrassing for steve nash.
