Sunday, February 20, 2011

Great Day

I had a great day yesterday and I just wanted to share it with everyone. I would like to preface this story by telling you that I know that I am going to stop writing after I explain the first part of the day because I am tired, but you can correctly assume that my night was also awesome. Tulane, where I am a student is on 40 minutes away from the Abita beer factory, Abita is a great beer if you've never tried it. So in a very fratty turn of events a group of about 20 of us decided to go to the Abita factory and take the tour. In fratty fashion the last tour starts at 2 and we arrived late but they let us in anyway. Like any normal group of men we pregamed the tour with beers on the ride up. Now things get cool, the format of the factory is one bar with 12 taps with all beers Abita makes. So you walk in, they give you a cup and you can have as much beer as you want while some woman gives a speech about Abita being ecofriendly that no listens to because honestly who cares. Notice I have not mentioned how much it cost. Thats because its free, all the beer you can drink for the 30 prior to the walking tour begins is free, which is the awesome. When we arrive all the other patrons are either families or older couples looking to find out more about a local brewery. Naturally 20 frat stars add an element they were not prepared for. So we proceed to start drinking as much beer as possible as fast as we can. I would say the average was 6 beers each in that first half hour. So then the walking tour begins. I would tell you what we learned on that part except for the face that the womans megaphone didn't work so no one could hear a word of what she was saying. Because you couldn't refill your beer on the walking tour and we couldn't hear what she was saying, naturally we begin the "back to the bar" chant. Which was not really funny to anyone but us but was surprisingly effective and we did infact return to the bar. Back at the bar, where we are in our element we continue to drink as fast as possible, making sure our trip was worth it. Usually after the walking tour they give you another 45 minutes of drinking and everyone goes home at 3:30. But when there are 20 frat stars fratting out, the Abita people decide to end the trip early. So after 5 minutes in the bar they tell everyone to leave. Most people oblige but we are still trying to get as many free beers as possible. When the woman finally physically placed herself infront of the taps one brother got very offended and walked up to the woman, looked her dead in the eyes and yelled, "you will never be sam adams" to which she replied, "can you boys please make your friend leave". When we finally leave, just to spite Abita and the other snobby tour goers we all take the beers we brought to pregame with, take our shirts off and chug them in the parking lot, throuwing the empty cans about. Then we all got into our cars and went home. It was 75 degrees with clear skys. It was a great day, I just thought you all should know. If you comment on this correcting any spelling or grammar mistakes it will prove that you are nerd.


  1. That does sound like a great day. It is always good to take advantage of people's hospitality. If you're going to put free stuff out you deserve what you get
