Thursday, December 19, 2013

Shut the Fuck Upworthy has been infiltrated and taken over our collective Facebook newsfeeds lately. This website that seems to only host videos of things "that matter" is everyone's idea of what should be posted. People who post these videos need to shut up.

If you don't believe me, take a gander at what's on their homepage. It's either something about self esteem, sick children, or how everything you need in this world cannot be bought. Some of these may be made up and admittedly some of these things may be important concepts, but I do not want to see these videos posted non-stop. My newsfeed is for browsing through funny pictures and what not, it's not to be bombarded by click-bait videos that make me feel bad about myself or inspired to greatness. The more I think about it, the more just seems like a Buzzfeed that takes itself WAY too seriously. Please do us all a favor and stop posting these videos on Facebook so the rest of us do not have to scroll mindlessly past them, and stop thinking that showing the world these videos which you neither created nor have any attachment to makes you better than the rest of us. Please shut up,

Post things like this on Facebook instead

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree first I thought this was a site about fun and happy news that everyone could be on board with. I was very wrong. This site is the worst. Great write-up CoolPants.
