Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Suprising Geeds

This edition of Suprising Geeds I'd like to talk about anyone who plays Beruit or Beer Pong professionally. Yes, some of you may be thinking that is a dream job, being able to drink and get paid for it. Yes, its awesome that they own a bar in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia but owning a bar and being a professional beer pong player are alot different. This guys are the biggest group of majds in the world. They are allowed to lean like crazy and they take the fun out of the game. Drinking games are made in order to facilate college kids drinking in a faster manner than just drinking beer out of cans. But these nerds play with water, because they are scared to get sick. Fuck you, if you are scared of getting sick. I don't care if the water cup is somehow covered in dust and hair, thats how you fucking play. If you don't want the ball on the ground, make the fucking cup or just catch it like an athlete and not like a nerd. Plus more often than not they have really gay names like "Cup Crusher" guaranteed that guy has no friends. So don't go professional at beer pong, get a real job like a not majd. And make enough money where you and your friends can afford to play beer pong whenever you want and it won't matter.

here is an article on professional beer pong:

look at that lean and all those geeds

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