Monday, February 21, 2011

Yesterday's Bitch, Today's Hero

            In a spin-off of a long forgotten segment, written by often-absent writer “The BE” I would like to take a chance to discuss someone who used to suck a lot of balls, but now is actually pretty cool. Today’s subject is none-other but former boy band member, Justin Timberlake. Timberlake was the lead singer for NSync, maybe the gayest band ever, no literally Lance Bass is actually gay. I don’t think any male currently aged 15 and onward had any respect for him. He was just a shoulder-pad wearing curly headed fuck. But now JT is hilarious, and a good musician. He frequently collaborates with Andy Samberg and makes hilarious digital shorts on SNL. He also is becoming a respected actor, and did a good job in a supporting role in The Social Network, a nominee for best picture this year. I personally am very impressed with JT’s road to redemption, and how far he has come. So congratulations JT, you used to be a bitch, but now you are a cool person.



  1. N'SYNC didn't suck that bad they had some pretty fun party songs, Elton John was gay and the man. I'm just saying

  2. I see your point, Elton John is actually the man. But i think its safe to say Lance Bass isn't. Also look Justin Timberlake hair in that picture, if that doesn't scream yesterday's bitch, than i'm sure what would

  3. They all look like huge tools in that picture
