Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unknown Fratstars V

This edition will feature a real person, but whats ironic is that I'm not picking the real person, I'm picking his portrayal in a movie. Don Billingsley in Friday Night Lights is this article's "Unknown Fratstar". Billingsley is by far the coolest kid on the team, and every girl at Permian High School wants to fuck him. Plus he just drinks beers all the time. At one point he and Mike Winchell, the quarterback, go to an open field and drink beers and then throw the cans and shoot them with a shotgun. I would really enjoy doing that, and I'm sure anyone else who reads this site would also. Also an underrated part of his character is that at one point in the movie you are able to spo the ever elusive boobs in a PG-13 movie. If that doesn't sell Don or Friday Night Lights for you I don't know what will. In the state championship game, he literally runs through five guys for the touchdown with a broken fucking shoulder. HE PUT THE TEAM ON HIS BACK. It also doesn't hurt his case that he has amazing frat lettuce. So congratulations the actor who plays Don Billingsley, through your ability to drink beer all day as a senior in high school, show all your viewers PG-13 boobs, and pound the ball like you pound girls, you are The Alcohall's unknown fratstar. And the fact that he is a white running back didn't hurt his cause.

Go to 4:40 to watch him get his arm popped in, and then dominate

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