Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Days

Snow days in elementary school, middle school, and high school were super fun. Or were they?  It's great to have a day off from school, but we never really did anything.  No one (or no one's parents) were willing to drive anywhere because of the roads so we all sat at home not doing anything.  I am NOT saying snow days are bad. They were fun and all, doing nothing and not having school is simply great.  However, we all remember them so fondly as the best things ever.  What really is the best kind of snow day? College snow days.

Snow days in college are so much better than the ones we used to have.  In college, we actually could use the chance to catch up on sleep.  We're no longer 10 year old idiots who wake up early on weekends because we're not tired enough to sleep in.  We live on a campus with all our friends and can just walk to see them.  We can get hammered.  The world is our snow covered oyster here in college.  The snowy roads cripple the city/town you live in but who cares?  While they struggle to drive through an inch or a foot of snow, we kick back and watch Sportscenter 2 times, get lunch, get drunk, and enjoy the day.  But remember, these great snow days come with a price.  Soon we won't have any snow days anymore...  If you get a snow day sometime this semester, enjoy it.  And if you get one and I don't, fuck you.
This is a shitty movie

1 comment:

  1. Snow days are the best, we had an ice day and everyone got hammered
