Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Tale of Two Christopher Lee's

Both of what I'm about to tell you are ridiculous. Both however are equally true. There are two Christopher Lee's out there. One is awesome, one is super lame. One is a great British actor, one is a just resigned US Congressman. These two men could not be different in the amount of respect I have for them. I will begin with this nerd:

Dude, you're a dumb ass. How stupid do you have to be to try to solicit sex on Craig's List. Firstly, everyone knows you will get murdered if you do that. Secondly, you're a fucking US Congressman, a Republican no less. Act like one. The great Ronald Reagan would never have done this amateur shit. Respect family values and stop trying to find legless hookers online. Thirdly, how could you think no one would find this??? Don't post shit like this if your a politician, that's fucking rule 1. Also, if you must do something like this, make it be way cooler. You look stupid in that picture. If you want a sex scandal to come out, at least be like Tiger Woods and have had affairs with countless semi-trashy but super hot ladies.

Now, on to the much cooler of the two Christopher Lee's. We all know him as a badass from many awesome movies, most notably the Lord of the Rings Trilogy: 
What most probably don't know, is that he is also a gifted musician. In his golden years, he turned to heavy metal. Yes, heavy metal. He just released a new metal album, called Charlemagne: The Omens of Death. Apparently it is a metal opera about Charlemagne. First off, this is super cool. Sure, the music is not really what i would consider that heavy metal, but the fact that he calls it that is awesome. Second, this guy is super old and is making concept metal albums about European history. That is so fucking hilarious it becomes sweet. Finally, this Christopher Lee, at age 88, would have no problem kicking that fuckwad other Christopher Lee's ass. He would use magic and the power of music, and it would be epic. Check out the below news report about his new album. It contains scenes from the music video for the first single off of Charlemagne, and it is goofy but great. 

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