Monday, February 28, 2011

Olympic Mascots: redux

In a follow up to a previous article, Russia has finally decided its Olympic mascots. Even though I really wanted the dolphin with skis, they decided to pick Chester from Cheetoh's Russian cousin, the white snow leopard with a snowboard, a bunny with questionable sexuality, and a polar bear who looks like he smokes a lot of weed. I'm not sure why they thought of any of these were good ideas, especially because they had no good ideas from the start. Whats probably the funniest part about this is the article insinuates that Putin rigged the vote for the snow leopard. How ridiculous does a country have to be that the dictator fixes the vote for a retarded mascot? The best part is also that even though they have a snowboarding leopard, America will still dominate the snowboarding like we always do, and Shaun White will be a hero, and even though he gets us gold medals, he is still kind of lame. But thats not the issue, as long as we beat Russia and their dumb ass mascots, maybe the Olympic committee will put the games back in their rightful place, America. And as asked in Mighty Ducks 2, "did America always dominate?" I think we all know the answer to that.

Russian Mascot
Chester Cheetah

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