Thursday, September 29, 2011

Baseball playoffs

The playoffs are here, and time for some more predictions. The BE and I both made predictions before the season started, and combined we did ok,but both were kind of shitty. I had the yankees and the phillies correct in winning the east, and had the cardinals winning the NL central, but they did make the playoffs so I will give myself that one. The BE called the brewers right, and the phillies and yankees winning the wild cards. Personally I think I did better, because the BE is a big loser who didn't show faith in the Yankees. For now my predictions are:
ALCS: Yankees vs. Rangers
NLCS: Phillies vs. Milwaukee
World Series: Yankees vs. Phils, Yanks in 6, the phillies offense is too shitty, and the yankees starting pitching is good enough, especially with a lights out bull pen.
And for a little pump up music lets listen to Mariano's song:

1 comment:

  1. Now we will play rock paper scissors to decide who wins it all
