Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Twitter Tuesday

So this Tuesday, and recently I just started following a bunch of people on twitter so that I would have more things to occupy myself while at work. I'd like to recommend a new twitter account that I started following Yesterday. The account is @hiddenwaldo "Where's Waldo". Its literally a Where's Waldo twitter account and every few hours it just tweet outs a picture from one of the where's waldo books. Its an incredible waste of time, which is the point of twitter anyway. I'll see the picture and spend a few minutes of my boring work day trying to find waldo on my phone. So worth it, I loved the Where's Waldo books as a kid, and now they are back in a way I can enjoy them the most. This one is 100% worth your time, they aren't annoying and only tweet out pictures. Sure you will look like an idiot starring so intently at your phone looking for Waldo, but in reality you will probably look an idiot on your phone anyway, and at least this way you are enjoying yourself. So @hiddenwaldo thank you very much.

This is one I did earlier, pretty graphic, I didn't know Waldo was in the Last Samurai

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you try resizing your photos so they don't go into our side banner, jeez.
