Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Breaking the Bank

I'm not sure how many of you follow the finances of lower slash middle tier Men's clothing stores but there has been some crazy shit going on between Jos A Banks and Men's Warehouse. Back in November, Jos A Banks, which is smaller, made a huger power move and tried to buy Men's Warehouse. Men's Warehouse in turn channeled their inner  Moe Greene, and said, "You don't buy me out, I buy you out" and turned the table in what is actually known as the Pac-Man defense, that's true look it up, and offered to buy out Jos A Bank, who rightfully denied those smug assholes at MW and said, "we do not like the way we look"(that was a terrible joke, but had to be made). Jos A Bank turned them down, and then yesterday in an even bigger hardo move, Men's Warehouse starts the procedures to launch a hostile takeover of Jos A Bank. Who the fuck do they think they are? I fucking love Jos A Bank,and the point of this is to defend them, and hope Men's Warehouse doesn't lay their greasy hands all over the amazing deal machine that is the bank. I don't care that the clothes are overpriced and they have absurd deals that are buy 1 get 8 free. I like those deals and I abuse them. I actually went there on a buy one get two free deal with two other people, and we all paid twenty bucks for shirts. What a fucking steal, you can't pull that shit at Men's Warehouse On Black Friday, they forgot to take all their early morning deal signs down, and I abused the shit out of that privilege. Again all of these reasons are probably why they might get bought out, but still I am on the side of the Bank here. Fuck you Men's Warehouse. Jos A Bank, don't be like the Alcohall and sell out, I need you to buy medium quality clothes for ridiculous deals, don't make me set foot in men's warehouse.

Can't beat these fucking deals

I wore  Jos A Bank suite to my brothers wedding, and damn did I look good

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