Tuesday, October 11, 2011

In defense of Charlie Kelly

As Charlie, from Always Sunny, has recieved no votes so far in the recent poll, I would just like to write a post to remind you why Charlie is such a great character. Charlie does not have many of the qualities praised on this site, like frattyness, cleverness, or really any redeeming qualities, he is still hilarious. Keep in mind that Charlie is actually illiterate, which could not be more funny in the situations he gets himself in. Charlie also loves dressing up for shit, which Donaghy Estates enjoys, and I am sure Charlie would be great at attending theme parties. There isn't really much to say other than that Charlie makes the show, and he is the ultimate wildcard. Also charlie working at a school as a janitor and being called the professor is so ridiculous. Who doesn't want that nickname.
Whats with your outfit man?
http://officebabble.blogspot.com/2011/08/top-5-male-comedy-tv-characters.html, also this is hilarious because it is our poll summed up, but with very different results


  1. How can Leon not be the winner

  2. Because the BE is too gay to write an article about him
