Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Does anyone like A Christmas Story?

A Christmas Story is on for 24 straight hours on TBS, and I really don't get why. I do not like that movie, and I don't get what is so classic about it. It's about a kid whose life sucks and gets harassed at a mall by Santa, gets his mouth washed out with soap, and gets his tongue stuck to a pole. There is a weird scene involving a fishneck stocking leg lamp, and its just a fucking weird movie. The Grinch, It's Wonderful Life, Home Alone 1 and 2, and Elf are all way better than A Christmas Story, and it is no in way deserving a 24 hour marathon. I ,for one, will be boycotting TBS. I don't watch TBS anyway but I will be specifically avoiding it. Yes, Donaghy Estates reminded me that they say fragile as a foreign word in A Christmas Story, which is hilarious. But that alone can not save that movie for me. Also just for the record Red Ryders are sweet and I want one for Christmas this year, and another controversial opinion, Home Alone 2 is way better than the original. There, I said it.

Ok this is funny, you got me


  1. I pity anyone who sells ads for TBS

  2. Ok, I like this movie, I think its funny. You don't have to like it, but it's a classic for a reason.

    1. Coming from a child actor in the movie

    2. yea coming from the guy who probably isn't getting a bid
