Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Days: Redux

It's that time of year again, the time when snow is threatening and everyday life grinds down to a halt. In the south, snow days are things of myth, much like good tasting vodka and slugs with friends. But then they do happen, or they are supposed to happen according to the weather, they bring about ambivalence.

It's nice of course to have an extra day off. It's great that today, Tuesday, feels like a Sunday. However, it's tragic that it isn't a Sunday, there isn't a football game to watch. There is only crappy daytime TV, like Judge Mathis. I'm not hating on Mathis, but I'm looking for some actual entertainment. And much like you may have read in my original tirade against snow days, you only get one day off. You can't party hardy all night because you have real life the next day. And you can hardly hang out with anyone because no one is willing to drive when the rest of the population turns into Asian women actively searching for a car to hit. Snow days, while great in theory, really aren't all they used to be and are totally overstated by Nickelodeon. They're like a marathon of Sports Science if you think about it.

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