Yesterday, California beat Japan in the Little League World Series. While it's great that America won it all, no one really cares about it. If you watched more than just "Little Kids, Big Drama," the obnoxiously named daily segment on Sportscenter, then I think you should strongly consider rethinking your life. Go America, I'm okay when I say I didn't watch a second of your victory.
I'd rather watch the Sandlot
Also, in other news, Hurricane Irene hit this weekend and for most of us, all we were hit with was a hurricane of Facebook status updates. This beckons a new Facebook etiquette post.
Finally, yesterday, ex-Giant, ex-Saints, wait, he's on the Panthers now? TE Jeremy Shockey saved a choking teammate this week by punching him in the back. Some rookie tried and failed to do the Heimlich so Shockey had to jump in.