Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unknown Fratstar

Its been a long, long time since this column was posted but in a triumphant return I would like to profile Ty Webb from Caddyshack. As anybody in America who doesn't suck dick will know, Caddyshack is an all-time classic and the character played by Chevy Chase is one of the reasons why. Ty Webb is a young rich guy who does not give a fuck about anything. He owns atleast two lumber yards and has a huge house, and all he does is play golf and mentor Danny Noonan. Ty Webb is a frequent drug user and is seen smoking weed with Bill Murray, and doing coke with the judge's slutty niece. By the way he also bangs that neice, despite her probably only being like 19, but thats cool, he can pull it off. Also Ty Webb is incredibly condescending, as seen in the great scene with Bill Murray, in Bill Murray's shitty groundskeeper house. Direct quote, "Yea, we have a pool and a pond. The pond is probably better for you". So good for you Ty Webb, I would have no problem becoming you one day.

Song of the week

Maybe The BE and Cool Pants will actually party for the first time ever now

Best Chips

Seriously, I highly recommend them to any sandwich fan